In a weeks time on Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st July, Cumbraland will be attending the Heysham Viking festival, in Lancashire. Our members have attended the event under various guises for the last three years, but this year we will be putting on a group display in the Living History encamptment; if any of you are local, or are able to make the trip; we'd love to see you so come and say Hi! It is a great FREE day out, with loads to do for everyone!
In addition, on the Saturday evening, our member Adam has once again organised an evening of talks from some of the top specialists in the country and will be hosting these in St Peters church in Heysham. In 2019 the talks are by Dr Roderick Dale and Dr Luke John Murphy, who will talking about Viking Berserkr and Viking religion, and discussing what lies beyond the popular imagination! Tickets are only £5 and the event tends to sell out quickly, so if you want to attend head over to this eventbrite link and get yours today!
Owaine ApDyfnwal
Heysham Viking Festival 2019
Updated: Aug 16, 2019